
At St. James we “seek and serve Christ in all persons,” and “respect the dignity of every human being.” We serve one another in gladness and we share in supporting worship that glorifies God. We seek to highlight needs in our wider community and to encourage awareness and action among our parishioners through partnerships with community ministries.
Worship Volunteers
Many ministries contribute to making our worship glorious. We invite you to share your gifts in glorifying God!
Jubilee Ministry
Every Sunday afternoon at 3 pm, St. James' offers a place to worship and serves a hot meal for our homeless and indigent friends and neighbors. Worship is led by a team of Lay Ministers and teams of parishioners rotate each week to prepare and serve the meal. This important ministry offers so much to so many people.
Jubliee Ministry cooking teams and volunteers prepare and serve …
Read More »Racial Justice Initiative

The Racial Justice initiative, an initiative of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, aims to repair and commence racial healing for individuals and communities who were directly injured by slavery in the diocese.
The Missionary Vision for Racial Justice initiative includes a $13 million commitment towards racial reconciliation projects and scholarships for the future training and edu…
Read More »The Metropolitan Organization (TMO)

The Metropolitan Organization (TMO) is an organization of institutions…
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